Convivia Group on track to unveil its first luxury public housing development

Following a series of acquisitions innovative property and tech investment firm, Convivia Group, is on track to unveil its first luxury public housing development by autumn 2022

Influenced by the Latin ‘Convivo’, meaning to ‘live at the same time’, Convivia was established in 2017 by CEO, Roy Ledgister, with a clear vision to create an inspirational property and tech portfolio that builds fun communities and transforms lives.

Committed to creating parity between the quality of public and private housing, by offering residents luxurious accommodation with cutting-edge technology and life-changing facilities, Conviva has now secured six buildings under its Group structure with each positioned in a strategic location across the UK.

The first site that will open its doors to tenants is located in Kent and will comprise of 80+ units – each currently being re-developed in line with Convivia’s unique Mayfair Design, where the quality and finish of each internal unit will meet a superior standard.

The Group’s impressive progress comes just 6-months after it unveiled its plans to revolutionise the public housing industry, supported by an equity investment deal worth hundreds of millions.

Roy Ledgister, CEO of Convivia Group, confirmed: “Over the last six months or so, the Convivia team and I have been working hard to source and acquire additional development sites that will enable us to revolutionise public housing UK wide and offer communities luxurious affordable homes that provide residents with the tech tools and resources required to transform their lives.

For years I have had a dream that in the UK we can deliver homes instead of delivering housing – where the word ‘social’ reflects on experience and not a title, and where tenants live together, come together, support one another, and grow together. I am, therefore, incredibly excited to unveil our first building in autumn 2022 and to change hundreds of lives for the better – watch this space.”

A successful Barrister and proven entrepreneur, Roy Ledgister boasts extensive experience in the development of a successful public housing property portfolio, having turned a £50 million investment into £185 million worth of assets in just 5 years.

Headquartered in the Southeast, Convivia now employs a core team with proven and extensive experience in property development.

For more information, visit: Convivia